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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's an Edgenuity class like in high school?

I've been hearing a lot about Edgenuity classes and I'm sort of lost. Can someone explain what they are and how they differ from the regular classes? Are they looked at differently by colleges or are they just another way to earn credits?

a year ago

Hey there! Edgenuity classes are online courses that are often used by high schools for credit recovery, to provide additional course offerings, or to support homeschooling and virtual learning. Unlike the traditional classroom setting, Edgenuity courses are self-paced and include a mix of instructional videos, interactive assignments, and assessments. You'll have access to a range of subjects, and these classes can offer a flexible alternative to your regular school schedule.

As far as colleges are concerned, Edgenuity classes, like other online or alternative education platforms, are generally recognized as legitimate ways to earn high school credits. However, it's important to maintain a strong academic record overall. If you're considering taking Edgenuity classes, I would recommend balancing them with your traditional classes, particularly in your areas of interest or strength. This will show colleges a well-rounded academic profile. Remember to check in with your counselor to ensure the credits align with your graduation requirements and college goals!

a year ago

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