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How do I choose among the top HBCU nursing programs?

Feeling a little overwhelmed here. I'm passionate about pursuing a career in nursing and I am hoping to attend an HBCU. Considering the new rankings, can anyone provide their experiences or insights on the top HBCU nursing programs for 2023? I'm looking for a program with solid clinical opportunities and a strong support system.

a year ago

Hi there! I completely understand how tricky it can be to choose the right nursing program, especially with the excellent options available at HBCUs. To get started, consider looking into the NCLEX pass rates for graduates from HBCUs you’re interested in – this is often a strong indicator of the program’s rigor and the preparation you'll receive for the licensing exam.

Additionally, explore the clinical rotations and partnerships each school has with local hospitals or health organizations. Programs with a variety of clinical sites generally provide thorough hands-on experience. Don’t forget to reach out to the schools directly and ask about mentorship and support systems like peer tutoring, faculty advising, and career counseling, as these resources can be incredibly beneficial throughout your studies.

Lastly, consider attending college fairs or virtual information sessions hosted by these HBCUs – alums and current students can often provide valuable firsthand accounts of their experiences. One of my students who went on to attend Howard University's nursing program highlighted the dedicated faculty and the strong sense of community helping her through her rigorous studies. Best wishes on your journey to becoming a nurse!

a year ago

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