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CLEP Calculus Exam Dates and Study Materials

What's up everyone? I’m planning to take the CLEP Calculus exam and was wondering if anyone knows how often these exam dates come up? Also, any recommendations on where I can get a good study guide, preferably a free PDF? Thanks in advance for the help!

a year ago

Hey there! The CLEP Calculus exam dates are quite flexible because they're offered year-round at over 2,000 CLEP testing centers. You'll just need to find a center near you and coordinate with them for a suitable date. As for study materials, the College Board offers official CLEP study guides, and though they're not free, they're pretty comprehensive. If you're looking for free resources, try Modern States' 'Freshman Year for Free' program, which offers free online courses designed to help you study for CLEP exams. Khan Academy isn't CLEP-specific but has excellent calculus materials. Remember, while these exams can give you a head start, their recognition may vary between colleges, so be sure to check the schools on your list and see what their policies are for accepting CLEP credits. Wishing you the best of luck on your study journey!

a year ago

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