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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Understanding Full-Time Status at Grand Rapids Community College

Hi everyone, I'm planning to enroll in Grand Rapids Community College and I've seen that they have a requirement for students to be 'at least half time'. Can someone explain what this means? How many classes or credits would I need to take per semester to meet this standard?

7 days ago

Absolutely, happy to clarify this for you! In most colleges, "full-time" typically means that you're enrolled in a minimum number of credit hours per semester. For many schools, this is usually 12 credit hours. However, to be considered "half-time", typically, you would need to be enrolled in at least half of this number.

As per guidelines, assuming Grand Rapids Community College follows a similar pattern, a half-time student would be someone enrolled in 6 credit hours per semester, which typically translates into about two classes (assuming each class is three credit hours, which is a standard measure for many courses).

However, I'd strongly recommend checking with Grand Rapids Community College's admissions office or academic office for the exact specifics, as definitions can sometimes vary from college to college. Also, make sure to ask about how this might affect financial aid or other aspects of your college life, as sometimes status as a full-time or part-time student can have different implications.

7 days ago

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