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What are some high paying jobs requiring minimal college education?

Hey everyone, feeling a bit overwhelmed with the idea of 4+ years of studying. I've been exploring alternatives with shorter education periods but still with solid pay. What are some of the highest paying jobs that require less college or training compared to a 4 year degree? Any and all ideas would be helpful. Thanks!

7 days ago

There are actually many careers that require less than four years of post-secondary education and can offer a solid income. Here are some options:

1. Dental Hygienist: The median pay for dental hygienists is quite healthy and the educational requirement is an associate's degree which typically lasts two years.

2. Web Developer: This is a highly in-demand field, with plenty of potential for a good salary. Often, an associate's degree is all that is required, but there are also lots of web developers who are self-taught or who have gained their skills through bootcamps.

3. Electrician: This trade job often requires an apprenticeship but not necessarily a full college degree. Median pay for electricians is quite substantial compared to other fields that require similar amounts of training.

4. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer: This career, focusing on operating ultrasound equipment to aid in diagnosis of medical conditions, requires an associate's degree and offers competitive pay.

5. Commercial Pilot: Becoming a commercial pilot usually involves flight school and getting a license, but it doesn't always require a 4-year degree. This field typically offers excellent pay.

6. Respiratory Therapist: These healthcare professionals help patients with breathing difficulties or cardiopulmonary disorders. An associate's degree is often sufficient to enter this field.

7. Radiation Therapist: This is another healthcare field where an associate's degree is often enough. Radiation therapists operate machines used in cancer treatment and support patients through their radiation therapy processes.

Each of these fields has its own unique qualities and may or may not be a good fit for you depending on your personal strengths and interests, so I would recommend researching each one further to see what resonates with you. Good luck as you navigate these decisions about your future!

7 days ago

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