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Jobs in the Medical Field with Least College but High Pay?

Hello, I'm interested in pursuing a medical career, but I'm not sure I want to commit the time to med school. What are the highest paying medical careers that demand less college time or condensed medical training programs? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

7 days ago

There are several high-paying medical careers that don't demand as much schooling as becoming a doctor. Here are a few examples:

1. Physician Assistant (PA): PAs carry out many of the same duties as physicians, such as diagnosing and treating illnesses, prescribing medication, and more. The educational requirement is typically a master's degree from a physician assistant program.

2. Nurse Practitioner (NP): As an NP, you'll have more responsibilities than registered nurses and are often allowed to write prescriptions and act as primary care providers. To become an NP, you'll likely need to earn a Master's degree and get a certified license.

3. Radiologist Technologist: Radiologist techs perform diagnostic imaging examinations. Most people in this field have an associate’s degree, but a bachelor’s might lead to advancement opportunities.

4. Respiratory Therapist: These professionals care for patients who have difficulty breathing—for example, from chronic respiratory diseases. Most respiratory therapists have an associate's degree but some have a bachelor’s degree in respiratory therapy.

5. Dental Hygienist: Dental hygienists clean teeth, take x-rays and provide other preventive dental care. An associate's degree in dental hygiene is typically required but some roles may require a bachelor's degree.

6. MRI Technologist: MRI techs operate Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners to create diagnostic images. They generally need an associate's degree.

7. Physical Therapist Assistant: Physical therapist assistants work under the direction of physical therapists and help patients regain movement after injuries or illnesses. Most of these assistants have an associate's degree from a physical therapy program.

All the careers above do require some form of higher education, but they don't require the extensive schooling of becoming a doctor. Many of these jobs have high earning potentials, especially with experience and specialty certifications. Always make sure to check the specific requirements for your state, since they can vary.

7 days ago

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