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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Stanford use the Common App for admissions?

Hey guys, I'm looking into applying to Stanford next year and I'm wondering if they use the Common App for their admissions process. I know some schools have their own systems, and I want to make sure I'm preparing the right materials. Has anyone gone through the Stanford app process and can give some advice?

a year ago

Absolutely, Stanford does use the Common Application for their admissions process.

It's a great way to apply because you can use the same application to apply to multiple colleges. Just remember that while the Common App will cover many basic parts of the application, Stanford will have its own supplemental essays and requirements that you'll need to complete as well. This is where you can really showcase what makes you unique and why you would be a good fit for Stanford. Be sure to start early and give yourself plenty of time to craft thoughtful and personal responses to their prompts.

Also, keep an eye on the application deadlines; Stanford has restrictive early action, which means you can apply early to Stanford, but not to any other private university's early action or decision program. The early action deadline is typically on November 1st, and the regular decision deadline is usually on January 2nd. Best of luck on your application!

a year ago

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