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Minimum Native American heritage to qualify for assistance in college?

Hello! I've got Native American heritage in my family and I've heard that this can help with getting into college or getting financial assistance. Does anyone know the minimum amount of Native American heritage required to qualify for these types of benefits? Thanks in advance!

7 days ago

Eligibility for assistance programs for Native American students typically depends on proof of tribal enrollment or descent from a tribal member, rather than a “minimum amount” of heritage or blood quantum.

You generally need to be a member of a recognized nation or be able to prove descent from an enrolled member, usually a parent or grandparent. Nations themselves set their own criteria for enrollment, and it can vary greatly from nation to nation. Some nations require a certain degree of Native American "blood," often expressed as a fraction (like 1/4), while others require traceable lineage back to a native member.

For federal aid and many scholarship programs, you typically need a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) or a tribal enrollment card. The Bureau of Indian Affairs provides CDIBs, which show the degree of Indian blood of an enrolled member and their nation.

These rules can be complex and hard to navigate, so it's worth reaching out to tribal officials or a knowledgeable counselor to learn more about the specific requirements for your nation and assist you in the process of applying for aid.

7 days ago

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