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Which college within Oxford University receives the least applications?

Hey guys, I'm over here strategizing my applications and could really use some help. Does anyone know which college within Oxford University tends to receive the least amount of applications? Thinking it might improve my chances if I apply there. Thanks in advance!

7 days ago

Applying to the college that receives the fewest applications at Oxford University may not necessarily increase your chances of acceptance. The application process at Oxford University is somewhat different from other institutions. When you apply to a specific college within Oxford, your application is also considered by the university at large for any other colleges that may be a good fit for you, even if you didn't directly apply there. This process is known as "reallocation".

Because of this, it's difficult to provide a direct answer to your question as Oxford doesn't publicly release the specific breakdown of applications received by each college. However, it is generally observed that less-known colleges or those further from the city center like Mansfield College or St Hugh's College tend to receive fewer applicants than the more famous ones.

The most important thing is to choose a college where you think you'd be comfortable living and studying. This could be based on the location, existing courses, faculty, accommodation, or even social life.

Remember, while it may feel like you’re strategically increasing your chances by applying to a less popular college, ultimately, the "right" college for you is one where you’d be happiest and succeed academically and personally. Most successful applicants focus on fit when selecting a college, rather than selecting based on perceived competitiveness.

7 days ago

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