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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How's the Engineering Program at Cal Poly compared to other schools?

Hey guys, I'm super into Engineering and I've been looking at California Polytechnic State University. I know it has a reputation for its engineering disciplines, but can anyone tell me more about what makes Cal Poly's program stand out? What are their strongest areas in engineering, and how does it compare to similar programs at other universities?

a year ago

Hello there! My son is currently studying mechanical engineering at Cal Poly and he absolutely loves it. From what we learned during the application process and now from his experiences, Cal Poly’s ‘Learn by Doing’ philosophy truly sets it apart. The students get to work hands-on with projects as early as their freshman year, which is incredible for practical understanding and experience. Also, they have superb industrial connections, which helps with internships and job placements after graduation. As for their strengths, I believe the aerospace and agricultural engineering programs are quite renowned.

In comparison to other universities, let's say UC Berkeley or Stanford, Cal Poly may not have the same international prestige, but it definitely provides top-notch education with a more practical approach. Plus, it's often considered to have a better return on investment due to lower tuition costs and high employability of its graduates. Hope this helps!

a year ago

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