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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What HBCUs have the most competitive track and field programs?

Running track is my passion, and I'm trying to make a list of HBCUs with strong track teams. I want to continue to compete in college while also getting a quality education. Can anyone suggest some HBCUs with competitive track and field programs?

a year ago

Hello there! Historically, HBCUs like North Carolina A&T State University have shown outstanding performances in track meets and have been recognized at national championships. Another HBCU to consider is Florida A&M University—their athletes have had success at both the conference and national level.

Howard University also has a competitive program and has even produced notable alums who have made significant contributions to the broader track and field community, like Dez Dunham.

Don't forget to also research the academic programs these schools offer to ensure they align with your educational goals. Best of luck as you continue to pursue your passion for track alongside your college education!

a year ago

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