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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important is it to take Physics in high school for college admissions?

Hey everyone, I'm planning out my junior year schedule and I'm a bit conflicted. Is physics a required class for most college admissions, or can I get away with not taking it if science isn't really my thing? I'm leaning towards a humanities major, but I don't want to close any doors. Thoughts?

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're thinking ahead about your course selection. Generally, for college admissions, it's a good idea to have a strong foundation in all the core academic areas: English, math, history, science, and a foreign language.

Taking physics isn't required by all colleges, especially if you're planning to major in the humanities, but some of the more selective schools prefer to see that students have taken challenging courses across all disciplines. If your school offers alternative science classes that align better with your interests and strengths, take one of those and excel in it.

For instance, if Environmental Science or Psychology feels more up your alley, go for that instead. Physics can be helpful in demonstrating a well-rounded academic foundation, but if it's really not your thing, and your schedule is rigorous in other areas, it's not an absolute must. Just be sure to excel in the areas that are most relevant to your intended major!

a year ago

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