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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Mid-Year Reports Submission Necessity?

Hey guys, junior here getting my application checklist ready and I'm a bit stressed... do all colleges require mid year reports or is it just the super selective ones? Trying to plan out my deadlines and communicate with my counselor, so any help would be awesome.

a year ago

Hey there! Don't stress too much—I'm here to help. It's not just the super selective colleges that require mid-year reports; many colleges do. These reports give schools an updated view of your academic progress from your senior year. It's a way to show consistent academic performance or improvement over time.

However, policies can vary between institutions, so it is vital to check each college's application requirements that you are interested in. You can usually find this information on the school’s admissions webpage or by contacting their admissions office. Generally speaking, it's a good idea to assume you'll need to submit mid-year reports for most schools and plan accordingly.

Make sure to communicate early with your counselor about your list of schools so they can prepare your mid-year reports in time. It can be quite a busy season for them, so giving your counselor a heads-up will ensure everything goes smoothly. Good luck, and keep up the hard work in your senior year—those grades definitely matter!

a year ago

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