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Admission Criteria: How inclusive are HBCUs?

So, I'm in my junior year starting to think seriously about college applications and considering HBCUs. This might sound a bit naive, but do HBCUs have specific criteria for who can attend? Can anyone, regardless of race or background, apply? Also, how inclusive are they generally - would I feel out of place if I don't share the same heritage?

a year ago

Absolutely, anyone regardless of race or background can apply to HBCUs! Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) were originally established to provide educational opportunities for African Americans during a time when they were largely denied access to higher education. However, today they welcome students of all backgrounds.

HBCUs are known for their inclusive and supportive environments where all students are encouraged to learn about and respect diverse cultures and perspectives. You will find that inclusivity is one of their strengths, offering a rich educational experience for all students. So, while the majority of students may be African American, many HBCUs have a diverse student body, with individuals from various races, ethnicities, and countries, and a culture of learning about those who are different from you rather than ostracizing them.

It's common for students who don't share the same heritage to find a home at HBCUs, where the emphasis is on the educational and personal growth of every student. If you're considering HBCUs, you might want to visit a few campuses to get a sense of the community and how you might fit in. Often, these schools have programs and events aimed at showcasing their inclusivity and welcoming potential students, so check out their calendar of admissions events online to see if you might be able to attend one.

Remember that college is about expanding your horizons and embracing a community that supports your growth, and an HBCU could definitely give you those thingss. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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