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SAT: 720 math
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Including National Honor Society in Common App

I'm part of NHS and I'm trying to figure out the best way to describe it on the Common App without just listing what everyone already knows about NHS. Any suggestions on what to highlight that might stand out to admissions officers?

a year ago

Understanding that National Honor Society (NHS) is a well-known organization across high schools, your goal in the activities section of your Common App should be to underscore your personal contributions and experiences within NHS.

Focus on any unique initiatives you spearheaded or substantial projects you played a significant role in. For example, instead of simply saying, 'Participated in community service activities,' elucidate how you organized a community clean-up that engaged a record number of volunteers and led to a partnership with a local environmental group.

If you held any leadership positions or received accolades within NHS, be sure to detail these and expound on how they empowered you to make a tangible impact on your school or local community. Additionally, if NHS was a springboard for deeper involvement or led to a passion project, that’s worth noting. Quantify achievements where possible; numbers can provide context and emphasize the scale of your efforts.

Ultimately, reflections on how your NHS experience shaped you personally or influenced your academic and career aspirations can also be compelling. The admissions officers are aware of NHS; what they need to know is how you specifically engaged with it and what distinguishes your experience from the typical member's.

a year ago

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