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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does taking a weight training class in high school offer any benefits for college admissions?

My school offers a weight training class, and I'm thinking of taking it to stay fit and complement my athletic extracurriculars. Would this class be seen as a positive on my college app, or should I stick to more academic electives?

a year ago

While the "hard skills" learned in a weight training class, like particular exercises, likely won't move the needle much for college admissions officers, the intangible abilities you hone like discipline and mental toughness are indeed traits that schools look favorably on.

So, if you have a strong academic schedule otherwise and this class truly interests you, it could add nicely to a holistic profile, especially if you're already involved in athletics, as in that case it would show a higher level of commitment to your team(s).

Moreover, it's important that your high school experience includes classes that you enjoy and that contribute to your personal growth. Remember, an authentic application that reflects your genuine interests is always more powerful than one crafted with the sole intention of impressing admissions officers. Just ensure that the rest of your coursework is rigorous and aligns with the academic expectations of the colleges to which you are applying.

Best of luck with your course selection!

a year ago

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