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What engineering programs at HBCUs are highly esteemed?

I'm a junior exploring engineering programs, and I'd like to attend an HBCU. Which HBCUs are known for their engineering programs and what kind of opportunities would they offer an aspiring engineer like me?

a year ago

Hey there! I've had several students with an interest in engineering who went on to flourish at HBCUs. One highly esteemed program that stands out is at North Carolina A&T State University, which offers a robust College of Engineering with various programs and specializations.

Another one worth considering is the Clarence Mitchell School of Engineering at Morgan State University. They're known for strong industry partnerships and research opportunities. Howard University is also renowned for its engineering program, providing a comprehensive curriculum coupled with a rich network of alumni and mentorship programs.

These schools provide not only a solid academic foundation but also access to internships, co-op programs, and networking events tailored to pave the way for a successful engineering career. Definitely take a look at their course offerings and extracurricular activities such as engineering clubs and competitions they may host or participate in to boost your practical experience alongside your studies. Good luck on your journey!

a year ago

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