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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Incorporating HBCU culture in essays?

Yo, quick Q! I've really connected with HBCU culture through music and community events, and I feel like it has shaped who I am. Would adcoms from non-HBCUs appreciate this aspect in my essays, or should I focus on other experiences? Trying to figure out how to present my diverse interests.

a year ago

Absolutely, you should consider incorporating your connection with HBCU culture into your college essays. Admissions committees at non-HBCUs often look for students who bring diverse perspectives and experiences to their campus communities. The key is to focus on how this aspect of your identity has shaped you personally and intellectually.

For example, if engaging with HBCU culture through music has influenced your artistic sensibilities or your understanding of community, those insights could make for a compelling narrative. Just make sure to tie it back to your personal growth and how it would contribute to the university environment. Remember, the goal is to provide a window into who you are and what you value, and if HBCU culture is a significant part of that, it deserves a place in your essays. Focus on specific moments or experiences within that context and how they have impacted your worldview or your goals for the future.

This approach can help your application stand out by highlighting your unique perspective. Good luck with your essays!

a year ago

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