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How competitive are HBCUs in art-related programs?

What's up, guys! So, I'm a junior looking into art programs, and I've heard HBCUs offer some unique perspectives and environments. Does anyone have a clue about how competitive the art programs are there? Also, are there particular ones that stand out more for their faculty, resources, or community? Any info or personal experiences would be super helpful!

a year ago

Hey there! My son just went through the process of applying to colleges, and we did look into some HBCUs with arts programs. From what we gathered, they can vary quite a bit in competitiveness, just like any schools. It really depends on what specific art field you're looking into.

Some HBCUs may have strong ties to artistic movements or excellent facilities that make them more competitive. A school like Howard University, for instance, has a well-regarded fine arts program with incredible faculty. They also have great resources and alumni support which can help in building a network for your future career.

It's definitely worth looking into the faculties and resources of each HBCU art program to find the best fit for you. Also, check out their class size and the type of community support they offer—these aspects can greatly enhance your education and experience. Visiting campuses, if possible, or at least attending virtual info sessions could give you a good sense of what to expect. Good luck!

a year ago

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