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Does participating in something like the AT&T HBCU Innovation Challenge make a difference in college apps?

I’m always on the lookout for cool extracurriculars, and I just found out about the AT&T HBCU Innovation Challenge. It sounds like an awesome opportunity, but I'm not sure how it's viewed by admissions officers. Anyone have experience with this or similar challenges? Can it actually give my college application an edge?

a year ago

Hi there! The AT&T HBCU Innovation Challenge is indeed a fantastic opportunity and it can certainly shine on your college applications. Participating in such competitions demonstrates your initiative and willingness to engage with real-world problems, which is something that admissions officers notice. It's a chance to not only apply what you've learned in the classroom but also to showcase your teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Now, how much of an edge it might give you can depend on a few factors. For example, it can depend on how involved you were in the challenge, whether your team achieved recognition, and if you were able to reflect on the experience in a personal essay or interview. It's definitely more than just participation; the impact you made and the skills you developed are key. Activities like these belong to the Tier 2 category in the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars ranking, particularly if your team places highly or your contribution is significant.

To make the most of this experience, consider taking on a leadership role, documenting the process, and think about how it has helped you grow personally and academically after the fact. Incorporate this into your application where relevant, possibly as an essay response or as a pivotal experience in your supplementary materials. And remember, it's not just about doing a lot of extracurriculars; it's the depth of your engagement and what you've learned from them that really counts.

In summary, involvement in the AT&T HBCU Innovation Challenge could provide a valuable edge by exemplifying your dedication to innovation and collaboration, especially if you can draw a clear line between your participation and your personal and intellectual growth. Good luck, and I hope you make the most of the experience!

a year ago

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