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HBCU Players in the NFL - Impact on College Athletics?

With a keen interest in both college football and the prospects of HBCU athletes, I was wondering how many HBCU players are currently in the NFL. Also, does having successful alumni in professional sports impact the athletic programs of their respective HBCUs? Keen to hear thoughts on this!

a year ago

Hello there! It's always exciting to follow athletes from college to the pros, isn't it? As far as I'm aware, there are around 30 HBCU players active in the NFL. This number can vary each year due to the draft, free agency, and retirements.

Regarding the impact on their college programs, definitely! When a player from an HBCU makes it to the NFL and does well, it not only sheds positive light on the university, but it can also lead to increased support and investment in the school's athletic programs. For example, take a look at someone like Tarik Cohen from North Carolina A&T – his success has brought attention to the program and could inspire future students. It's one of the many benefits of sports programs at colleges; they can be a powerful marketing tool and create a sense of pride among the student body and alumni.

By the way, your interest in HBCU players is especially poignant given the rich history and the pivotal role these institutions have played in shaping athletics and providing opportunities for so many talented individuals!

a year ago

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