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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important are SAT scores for college admissions?

Hey everyone, as a junior starting to get serious about college apps, how much do colleges actually care about SAT scores? I've been improving but not sure if I'm in the right range for my target schools. Should I be focusing more on my SAT or extracurriculars at this point?

a year ago

SAT scores can play a significant role in college admissions, especially for competitive schools. However, given recent trends towards test-optional policies, their importance can vary. For schools that still require or recommend them, a competitive SAT score aligns with the middle 50% range of admitted students' scores.

If your score isn't in the right range for your target schools, improving it can definitely be beneficial. Make sure to balance test prep with maintaining strong extracurricular involvement, as colleges seek students with demonstrated commitment and leadership in a few areas rather than a long list of shallow engagements.

If you're close to the range for your target schools and already have strong extracurriculars, then a slight increase in SAT scores could still make a notable difference. If, however, you're far from the score range or your extracurriculars need significant development, focusing on extracurriculars where you can shine or develop a specialty (a 'spike') could be more advantageous.

Remember, both academic metrics and extracurricular achievements contribute to your overall application narrative.

a year ago

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