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HBCU Sports: Can someone share a list of HBCU basketball teams?

Hi friends, I'm big into basketball and want to make sure I can continue to follow or play the sport in college. Does anyone have a list of HBCU basketball teams or know where I could find this info?

a year ago

Hey there! Basketball is indeed an exciting sport, and HBCUs have some great teams out there. I remember when my child was considering HBCUs, we looked at the NCAA website for detailed information on teams. You'll find a comprehensive list of HBCU basketball teams under Division I and Division II categories there.

Another good place to check out is each conference's official website, like the SWAC (Southwestern Athletic Conference) or the MEAC (Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference), where many HBCUs compete. They typically list all the member schools, and you can go from there to find individual team pages, rosters, and schedules.

For a snapshot, though, some prominent HBCU basketball teams you might want to follow include Howard University, Hampton University, North Carolina A&T, and Southern University, to name a few. Hope this leads you to the slam dunk of information you're looking for!

a year ago

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