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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Can anyone share their experience with Atlanta A&T or similar HBCUs?

Atlanta A&T caught my eye recently and I’ve been considering applying. Does anyone have personal stories or experiences with Atlanta A&T or colleges like it? How are the academics, campus life, and what are the vibes in general? Just trying to get a sense of what student life is like there before deciding to apply.

a year ago

Hey there! The sense of community and camaraderie at Atlanta A&T is something students often talk about; there's a strong emphasis on heritage, which fosters a unique and enriching college experience. Academically, students enjoy access to some fantastic professors and resources. Campus life is vibrant with lots of organizations and events celebrating African American culture and history. These events are not only fun, but also deeply informative and enriching.

As for the overall vibes, students often report an incredibly welcoming, nurturing environment that seems to be a common trait among HBCUs. The atmosphere is one where students are encouraged not only to succeed academically, but also to grow personally and become leaders. If your values align with these experiences, I'd say definitely consider applying. No matter what, make sure to visit the campus if—it can give you a much better feel for the place than any brochure!

a year ago

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