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Which HBCUs have standout music programs?

Hey everyone! I'm super passionate about music and I'm trying to incorporate that into my college search. I've been looking into HBCUs and I'm curious, which ones are known for having really great music programs? I'm hoping to find a school where I can immerse myself in music and also get a strong academic experience. Any insights on this would be amazing!

a year ago

Hello there! It's wonderful to hear about your passion for music and your interest in HBCUs. A few HBCUs with notable music programs include Howard University in Washington, D.C., which has a strong music department known for its jazz studies, and Florida A&M University, which is renowned for its marching band, The Marching 100.

Another standout is North Carolina Central University, which offers a comprehensive music program with opportunities in various genres, including jazz and gospel. Additionally, Morehouse College in Atlanta is not only acclaimed for its academic vigor but also its Glee Club, which has an illustrious history.

When considering these programs, think about the types of music you're looking to focus on and what sort of ensembles and performance opportunities you're after. Moreover, don't hesitate to contact the admission or music department at these schools directly for more detailed information about their offerings and how they might align with your academic and musical goals.

Visiting the campuses, if possible, and witnessing the music scene firsthand could also give you a strong sense of whether the environment fits what you're looking for. Best of luck with your search!

a year ago

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