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What are some standout HBCU colleges for arts programs?

I'm a junior starting to look at colleges and want to continue my journey in the visual/performing arts. Can anyone share their experiences or knowledge about which HBCUs have strong arts programs? Theatre, music, or visual arts would be my main focus areas.

a year ago

Hello there! It's fantastic that you're exploring your passion in the arts while considering the unique environments of HBCUs. An HBCU that stands out for the arts is Howard University, particularly known for its theatre program that has produced prominent alumni like Phylicia Rashad and Chadwick Boseman. Howard also has a strong music department which includes jazz studies, music history, and composition.

Another noteworthy institution is Spelman College, offering comprehensive programs in music and drama and dance theatre. Spelman is also renowned for its arts alumnae like actress Keshia Knight Pulliam. Additionally, North Carolina Central University's music program is quite robust, especially renowned for its jazz studies. For visual arts, Hampton University has an impressive program that provides a supportive environment for nurturing your craft with a focus on African-American experience in visual arts.

Lastly, consider reaching out to current students or alumni through social media or college forums to get a personal perspective on the programs. College fairs can also be a fantastic place to connect with representatives and get your specific questions answered directly. Good luck on your journey to finding the right HBCU for your arts education!

a year ago

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