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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Benefits of taking home economics in high school?

Hey everyone, I've been thinking about next year's courses and I'm considering taking home economics. Can anyone tell me if it's considered a useful class for college admissions? Like do colleges see it as valuable or is it more of a 'just for fun' sort of class?

a year ago

Hello! I'm glad you're thinking ahead about your course selection. Home economics can be a valuable class in several ways. While it might not carry the same weight as, for example, an advanced placement science or math course in terms of academic rigor, it offers practical skills that are undoubtedly useful in everyday life.

That said, colleges often look for students with courses that first and foremost challenge them academically and align with their intended major or field of interest. If home economics fits into a well-rounded schedule that also includes challenging classes, it can certainly contribute to a positive holistic image. Additionally, if you have a particular interest in fields such as nutrition, culinary arts, or family and consumer sciences, taking home economics could demonstrate your passion and background in those areas.

Just make sure to balance this class with other core academic subjects to show you're well-prepared for college-level work in any discipline. Remember, it’s important to explore your interests in high school—just be mindful of maintaining a solid academic foundation. Good luck with your course selection!

a year ago

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