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SAT: 720 math
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What are some good HBCUs for aspiring business majors?

Hello everyone! So, the college search is kicking into high gear for me and I'm really set on majoring in business. I've heard HBCUs can offer a unique community and support network, so I'd love to hear from folks who attended an HBCU for business. Which schools have great programs and how have they helped you in your career?

a year ago

Hello, and wonderful to hear that you're exploring the unique opportunities offered by HBCUs for your business major. Some HBCUs renowned for their business programs include Howard University, Morehouse College, and Florida A&M University.

These institutions not only provide rigorous academic training but also boast of strong alumni networks, often vital for career advancement in the business field. Howard, for example, has its School of Business accredited by AACSB, which is a hallmark of excellence in business education. These schools also offer mentorship programs and partnerships with leading corporations that can help kickstart your career through internships and other professional development opportunities. Be sure to explore their specific business concentrations and extracurricular opportunities to find the best fit for your aspirations.

a year ago

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