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Where to go for a strong Mathematics program at an HBCU?

Math has always been my strong suit, and I'm keen on pursuing it in college. For those familiar with HBCUs, which have renowned mathematics departments or offer great research opportunities?

a year ago

Your inclination to pursue mathematics is commendable, and seeking a strong program at an HBCU is a fantastic way to blend academics with a rich cultural and communal experience. When considering HBCUs with strong math departments, Spelman College often comes to mind, particularly if you're a young woman. Spelman is known for empowering female leaders in STEM through a rigorous math program supplemented by opportunities for undergraduate research.

If you're a young man, Morehouse College provides a great environment with solid math faculty and the potential for cross-registration with other schools in the Atlanta University Center Consortium. Hampton University is another option where the mathematical research opportunities are significant. Make sure to check out their MARC and MBRS-RISE programs, which offer funded research experiences for students in the sciences.

Lastly, Howard University has renowned STEM programs, and while it's more known for its engineering and sciences, the math department does provide a strong foundation that paves the way for interdisciplinary research.

I suggest reaching out directly to the departments at these schools to inquire about specific mathematics avenues you're interested in, as well as research opportunities available to undergraduates. Moreover, consider attending college fairs or HBCU events where you can speak with representatives and maybe even professors from these departments face-to-face. Good luck with your college search!

a year ago

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