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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I participate in the Google HBCU program?

Hey friends! I've heard about opportunities through Google for students at HBCUs and I'm a bit confused about how it all works. Does anyone know how to get involved in the Google HBCU program? What kind of experiences have you had with it, and would you recommend it?

a year ago

Hey there! It's wonderful that you're looking into the Google opportunities for HBCU students! Google has various initiatives and connections with HBCUs, one of which is the Google in Residence (GIR) program where Google engineers teach courses at HBCUs. Another initiative is the Grow with Google HBCU Career Readiness Program which aims to prepare students with digital skills for the job market.

To get involved, I recommend first checking out Google’s website dedicated to these programs. Additionally, your own HBCU’s career services department is a valuable resource as many of these programs might be coordinated directly through your school. You can also join Google's student groups like the Google Student Ambassadors Program or apply for internships which offer hands-on experience.

Hearing from students who have participated, their experiences tend to be very positive and they cite great networking opportunities, enhancement of technical skills, and valuable industry insights as some benefits. If you're interested in tech and looking for a solid springboard into the field, these programs come highly recommended. Don’t forget to keep an eye on application deadlines and requirements. Best of luck!

a year ago

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