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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a 1350 PSAT score competitive for National Merit considerations?

Hey everyone, I just got my PSAT scores back and I have a 1350. I'm really aiming for National Merit. Do you guys think a 1350 is competitive enough, or should I focus on boosting my score next time? Also, how does this score compare to others who got the recognition in previous years? Any insights on score cutoffs by state would be super helpful too!

a year ago

Hello! Congratulations on your score – that's quite an accomplishment. Regarding National Merit considerations, the cutoff scores do fluctuate each year and vary by state. A 1350 is a strong score, but depending on your state, it might be just below the typical National Merit Semifinalist cutoff. The cutoffs can range from the high-1300s to mid-1400s. For a more precise idea, you can look at historical data for your particular state which is often posted online by educators or through forums as the official cutoffs are released.

Remember that the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) uses a Selection Index, which is double the sum of your reading, writing and language, and math test scores, so you'll want to ensure that your individual section scores are balanced as well. If you're a sophomore, you'll have another chance to take the PSAT as a junior for National Merit consideration. If you're a junior, it’s a good idea to start prepping for your SAT/ACT scores, as they can also play a role if you qualify as a semifinalist. Best of luck, and keep up the great work!

a year ago

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