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How do HBCU sports programs compare, and which are considered the best?

Hey everyone! As I'm exploring colleges, I'm really interested in the sports scene at HBCUs. I'm an athlete, and I want to go to a school where I can thrive both academically and athletically. Can you guys share your thoughts or experiences with the sports programs at HBCUs? Which ones have a reputation for being top-notch?

a year ago

Hey there! It's exciting to hear that you're considering HBCUs for both your academic and athletic pursuits. The athletics programs at schools like Howard, North Carolina A&T, and Grambling State have robust reputations.

Howard, in particular, has strong basketball and soccer programs, and has produced alums who go on to be influential in the world of track and field, like Desmond Dunham. North Carolina A&T also excels in track and field – they've had several athletes compete in national and international championships. And football at Grambling State is iconic, thanks in part to their celebrated coach Eddie Robinson.

Make sure to assess these athletic programs with a keen eye toward how they can support your development in your specific sport, what facilities are available, and how well they balance athletics and academics. Consider reaching out to coaches to get a feel for the programs and maybe even plan some campus visits. It would also be helpful to look at the divisions and conferences they're in since this can affect the level of play and exposure you might get.

Best of luck with your decision, and enjoy the recruitment journey!

a year ago

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