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Crafting Rice's supplemental essays - thoughts on themes?

Rice is high on my list and I want to make sure I ace the supplemental essays. For Rice applicants, how did you manage to address the prompts while incorporating your personality and demonstrating fit? Also, are there any Rice-specific qualities or programs I should highlight?

a year ago

When crafting Rice's supplemental essays, it's crucial to be both genuine and strategic. Think of anecdotes or experiences that can showcase your ability to connect with those who are different from you and inherent curiosity—qualities that Rice deeply values. One strategy could be reflecting on moments when you have engaged with a community, whether through service, research, or collaboration, since Rice prides itself on a culture of care and contribution.

Be sure to research Rice-specific programs, such as the Residential College System, which especially resonate with you and align with your goals or values. For example, if you're interested in engineering, you might talk about how the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK) provides a space for practical innovation and aligns with your hands-on approach to learning.

Lastly, remember to let your personality shine through. Rather than just listing achievements or interests, tell a story that allows admissions officers to see who you are and how you think. Your aim is to make your essay memorable by connecting your personal narrative to the ethos and opportunities at Rice.

If you want more concrete advice for how to tackle each particular Rice prompt, check out CollegeVine's breakdown of Rice's supplemental essays: And once you have a solid working draft, remember that CollegeVine also offers both free peer essay review and paid essay reviews by expert college advisors.

Happy writing!

a year ago

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