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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are HBCUs with lower GPA requirements less competitive?

Hi pals, I'm currently sitting at a 2.7 GPA and I'm a bit stressed out about admissions. I heard that some HBCUs accept a 2.5 GPA. Does this mean the school is less competitive, or do they consider other parts of my application more?

a year ago

It's understandable that you're feeling some stress about your GPA and college admissions. HBCUs with lower GPA requirements are often seen as accessible, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're less competitive across the board.

These institutions place a strong emphasis on providing opportunities for students who may not have stellar academic records but possess potential and drive. They do tend to look at other aspects of your application more holistically, such as your personal essays, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and standardized test scores if you choose to submit them.

So in your situation, it would be a great idea to highlight the strengths and experiences that make you unique and demonstrate your dedication to your future goals. For instance, if you've been involved in community service, have a compelling personal story, or have improved your grades over time, these are all compelling points to include. Don't forget to also showcase any leadership roles or projects you've undertaken, as these can significantly bolster your application. In the end, while GPA is important, it's not the only factor that HBCUs or any other colleges consider when making admissions decisions.

a year ago

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