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What's the experience like at an HBCU for sports?

I'm thinking about continuing football in college and I'm super interested in the HBCU vibe. Can anyone share what it's like to be part of an HBCU sports team, specifically football? How's the recruitment process, the team culture, and balancing sports with academics at schools like Alabama State?

a year ago

My son is currently a student-athlete at an HBCU, and from what he's shared with me, the experience has been quite unique and rewarding. The recruitment process for him involved a lot of communication with coaches via emails and visits, a bit like the typical process at other schools but he felt there was a strong sense of community and heritage that was particularly inviting. Once he joined the football team, he was impressed by the rich traditions and the supportive culture. Football is big at HBCUs, and game days are bustling with energy, especially with the bands and the fans who bring such an electric atmosphere.

Balancing sports with academics is definitely a challenge, but the school provided him with academic advisors and tutoring services designed for student-athletes. It's all about time management and communication with coaches and professors to ensure he stays on top of his coursework. If Alabama State is anything like his school, I think you'll find an environment that's very supportive of its athletes. The HBCU culture adds a layer of historical significance and camaraderie that’s truly special. Keep in mind that each HBCU can have a different vibe, so I’d recommend visiting the schools you're interested in and talking to current players about their experiences.

a year ago

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