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SAT: 720 math
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Sports Management Programs at HBCUs?

So, I'm super into sports and I'm thinking about turning that passion into a career in sports management. Can anyone recommend HBCUs that have strong programs for this? Personal experiences or things you've heard about the quality of the education and internships would be really appreciated!

a year ago

Hey there! It's wonderful to see your interest in sports management. Howard University's program places a strong emphasis on internships and real-world experience that are so crucial in sports management. Hampton University and North Carolina Central University are also worth checking out as they both offer comprehensive programs with opportunities for hands-on learning.

For many students making connections and getting intern-level experience are a priority, and these schools foster those opportunities well. I'd suggest reaching out to the schools directly to get detailed info on internships and partnerships they may have with sports organizations. These firsthand insights could be a game-changer when making your decision.

Good luck on your journey to finding the right program! If you do end up pursuing this route, I'm sure you'll find an enriching environment at an HBCU that shares your passion for sports.

a year ago

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