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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How common is receiving the wrong SAT scores and what should I do?

Hey all, I just got my SAT scores back and they're not even close to what I was expecting. Has anyone else got the wrong scores before? What steps did you take to get this corrected?

a year ago

Receiving incorrect SAT scores is quite rare, but technical glitches or mix-ups can happen. If you suspect an error, the first thing you should do is contact the College Board directly to discuss your concerns. It's possible to request a score verification for a fee, where they will manually re-scan and re-score your answer sheet. Ensure to do this as soon as possible since there's a time limit after your score release within which you can request this service.

Also, check that your information (name, date of birth, test date) is correct on your College Board account as this can occasionally cause issues. Stay patient and proactive in your communication with them. Remember, the verification process might take some time, but it's the official route to making sure your scores accurately reflect your performance.

a year ago

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