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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Prospects of participating in D1 track and field at an HBCU?

Hey guys! I'm a junior with decent track stats and I've been considering running track at the collegiate level. I'm really passionate about both my athletic and academic growth and I've been looking into HBCUs recently. Can anyone share their experience with D1 track and field at an HBCU? Like, what's the recruitment process like, how competitive is it, and how do they support athletes academically?

a year ago

Hey there! The recruitment process for D1 sports can be pretty intense. Coaches are looking for athletes who are not only competitive, but who also have strong academic records, since they represent the university on and off the field. For track, your times are going to be what gets their attention initially. Reach out to coaches early with your stats, highlight reels, and academic achievements.

As for support, students report having positive experiences; they have dedicated academic advisors for athletes and mandatory study halls to help them manage their coursework, which I believe is a common approach.

For something more specific about track, you definitely want to talk to current students or alumni if you can. Remember that being proactive and initiating contact with the colleges you're interested in is key. Best of luck with your endeavors—it's an exciting journey!

a year ago

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