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Fashion Merchandising Majors at HBCUs

Hey everyone, I've been super interested in fashion merchandising for a while now, and I'm trying to find HBCUs that offer strong programs in this field. Has anyone here majored in fashion merchandising at an HBCU? I'd love to get some insight into the program quality, internship opportunities, and how well these schools prepare you for the industry. Any alumni or current students out there with experiences they can share?

a year ago

Hi there! One HBCU well-known for its fashion-related programs is Howard University. They offer a unique program within their Department of Art that intertwines with the fashion industry. Their location in Washington D.C. also offers access to unique internship opportunities related to fashion, politics, and culture, which can be an excellent springboard into the industry.

Another institution you might want to consider is Savannah State University, which offers a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing with a track that includes fashion merchandising courses. Their program emphasizes practical skills alongside the theoretical foundations of marketing, of which fashion merchandising is an integral part.

Remember to reach out to the schools directly and ask about their specific offerings, including internships and partnerships with brands or fashion houses. Alumni networks are particularly strong at HBCUs, and they can be a valuable resource for internships and job placements in the industry. Best of luck in your search!

a year ago

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