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How are the nursing programs at HBCUs in Florida?

I'm interested in pursuing a nursing degree at an HBCU, and I've been looking into schools in Florida. Could someone provide insights on the nursing programs offered at HBCUs in Florida, particularly in terms of quality and support? Extra points if you know anything about Florida A&M's program!

a year ago

I'm delighted to see your interest in HBCUs in Florida, especially for a nursing degree. HBCUs have a rich history of providing excellent education and support, particularly for nursing programs. Within Florida, Florida A&M University (FAMU) is well regarded. They offer a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) which is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). This accreditation is essential as it ensures the program meets high standards of quality and effectiveness.

Florida A&M's program is known for its focus on preparing students not only academically but also in developing the practical skills needed in the nursing field. Their facilities include simulation labs, which allow for hands-on experience in a controlled environment.

Furthermore, FAMU emphasizes leadership and community involvement, which are crucial in the nursing profession. As for support, FAMU provides a range of resources for nursing students, including tutoring, advising, and career services. They also have student organizations like the FAMU Association of Student Nurses which offers additional opportunities for professional development and networking.

If you're considering other HBCUs in Florida with nursing programs, Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach also offers a BSN program and is known for a strong support system for students.

To get a good feel for the program, I'd recommend reaching out to the admissions offices of these schools and asking if you could perhaps chat with current nursing students or faculty. They could provide firsthand insights into the student experience, the curriculum, as well as post-graduation outcomes. Remember to look into any special scholarships that might be available for nursing students at these institutions.

a year ago

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