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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone have insight on the infrastructure of HBCUs?

So I'm doing a project for school about different college infrastructures and their impact on education. I'm particularly interested in HBCUs and wanted to ask, can someone fill me in on the kind of infrastructure HBCUs have, like how modern they are or any cool facts?

a year ago

Certainly! HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) often have rich histories and are known for their tight-knit communities. Many HBCUs have made significant strides in modernizing their infrastructure, introducing state-of-the-art facilities especially in STEM fields.

For example, North Carolina A&T State University boasts impressive research labs due to its renowned engineering program. Also, Howard University has been upgrading its infrastructure with new buildings and improved facilities, including their Interdisciplinary Research Building. It's worth noting that because HBCUs prioritize access and inclusion, they blend modern amenities with historic significance, maintaining buildings and monuments that represent significant heritage.

This balance of new and old often gives HBCUs a unique charm. If you're looking for more specific or cool facts, HBCU Howard has a notable list of alumni which includes Vice President Kamala Harris and iconic writer Toni Morrison just to name a few, highlighting the influential history that complements its campus architecture.

a year ago

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