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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Should I consider HBCUs that don't require the SAT?

As admissions season approaches, I'm thinking about my test scores. I'm a junior and I'm not sure if I'll do well on the SAT. Are there HBCUs that don't require the SAT for admission? What are the implications of applying to an HBCU without SAT scores?

a year ago

Absolutely, you should consider HBCUs that have test-optional admissions! Quite a few HBCUs do not require the SAT for admission, particularly in light of recent trends towards holistic admissions processes.

For example, Howard University, Morehouse College, and Spelman College are among those that offer test-optional policies. The implications of applying without SAT scores simply mean that other aspects of your application, such as your GPA, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, and personal essays will carry more weight. Many students are admitted to excellent programs without submitting standardized test scores, so focus on strengthening those other components of your application.

Also, if you can demonstrate particular strengths or have achieved significant accomplishments, like leadership roles, community service, or unique projects, these will help paint a fuller picture of who you are as an applicant. Just make sure to check the specific admissions requirements for each HBCU you're interested in, as policies do vary. Don't hesitate to reach out to the admissions offices if you have any questions.

a year ago

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