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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to Nail Your HBCU Application Essay?

Does anyone have tips for writing an HBCU application essay? Is there anything specific that HBCU adcoms look for? Feeling a bit stressed about making my application stand out, so any advice would be super appreciated!

a year ago

Absolutely understand your eagerness to create a stand-out application! My child recently went through the college application process and found that the essay is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your unique voice and experiences.

In particular, HBCUs often celebrate a strong sense of community, heritage, and social engagement. Highlight experiences that have shaped your understanding of these values or that demonstrate your commitment to them. Has there been a moment when you took initiative in promoting diversity or supporting your community? Reflect on such a story and tell it with authenticity.

Remember, admissions committees read countless essays – make yours memorable by weaving in your distinctive perspective and personality. Above all, ensure your essay is a polished reflection of who you are and how you align with the school's mission. Best of luck – you've got this!

a year ago

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