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Does anyone have a list of HBCU colleges with women's soccer teams?

Soccer's been a huge part of my life and I want to keep playing in college. I'm specifically looking for HBCUs because I value the culture and community they offer. Can someone help me find out which HBCUs have women's soccer teams?

a year ago

Absolutely, that sounds like a wonderful way to continue your passion for soccer while also embracing the enriching experience that HBCUs offer. My niece recently went through a similar search for her sport at various colleges, and we stumbled upon quite a handy list. Here's a start for you:

- Howard University

- Alabama State University

- Mississippi Valley State University

- North Carolina Central University

- Prairie View A&M University

- Jackson State University

And that's just to name a few! Keep in mind that each of these schools has different levels of competitiveness and program offerings, so you should investigate each one to see which aligns best with your academic and athletic needs. Also, consider reaching out to the coaches or athletic departments of the schools you're interested in—they're usually more than happy to discuss their programs with prospective students.

Lastly, don't forget about scholarships! Some HBCUs offer athletic scholarships for soccer which could be a fantastic opportunity if you're looking to ease the financial burden of college while playing the sport you love. My daughter found great financial aid opportunities by directly contacting the schools and expressing her interest. Best of luck with your search and future soccer endeavors!

a year ago

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