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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What kinds of programs do HBCUs offer to support students' professional development?

Hey everyone! I'm looking into HBCUs and I'm really keen on knowing about any special programs they have for student development, especially related to internships or job placement after graduation. Any insights?

a year ago

Hey there! My child is currently at an HBCU and the support for professional development has been outstanding. Many HBCUs have career services centers that offer resume workshops, career counseling, and job fair events. There are also mentorship programs that connect students with alumni in their field of interest.

For example, the Thurgood Marshall College Fund offers access to leadership development and employment opportunities to students at HBCUs. Additionally, there are special programs that partner with major companies to provide internships, co-op experiences, and first-look events for job placement. As for my child, they secured an internship last summer through a program on campus aimed specifically at connecting students with major tech firms. Be sure to reach out to the career services department of the HBCUs you’re interested in for the most comprehensive and current information!

a year ago

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