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Looking for HBCUs with Strong Neuroscience Programs

Hi all, I'm a junior super interested in neuroscience and I want to support HBCU traditions and culture. Can anyone share their experiences or knowledge about neuroscience programs at HBCUs? I'm looking for robust research opportunities and solid preparation for grad school.

a year ago

I'm so glad to hear about your interest in neuroscience and your desire to support HBCU traditions! It's a wonderful field, and many HBCUs are becoming increasingly well known for their STEM offerings.

Two notable HBCUs with strong neuroscience programs are Howard University and Morehouse College. Howard University, located in Washington D.C., has a comprehensive program with opportunities for undergraduate research, which could be instrumental for your grad school prep. They've also established partnerships with nearby research institutions, many of which are global leaders, such as the nearby National Institute of Health (NIH), so that students can gain hands-on experience in the real world.

Additionally, Morehouse College in Atlanta offers a major in biology with a concentration in neuroscience. While Morehouse may be historically known for its liberal arts education, over the last few years it has invested considerably in the sciences and research facilities. Their faculty are very supportive and could provide mentorship as well as research opportunities, especially at the school's own medical school.

When considering these programs, I recommend reaching out directly to the departments and current students to gain insight into the specifics of their neuroscience offerings. Visiting the campuses, if possible, could give you a sense of the community and facilities firsthand. Also, remember to inquire about summer programs that could offer additional research experiences—they may even have some available to high schoolers, which could help you make your college decision!

Whichever HBCU you choose, you'll be contributing to their legacy while building a solid foundation for your own academic and professional future in neuroscience. Good luck with your college search!

a year ago

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