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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the benefits of attending an HBCU in different states?

I'm in the midst of college research and I've taken a specific interest in HBCUs, but I'm from the Midwest and there aren't many around me. Can someone tell me about the different benefits or drawbacks of attending HBCUs in various states? Are there particular states known for their HBCU experiences?

a year ago

I want to share a bit of what I've learned through my child's experience! Each HBCU has its own unique atmosphere and strengths, much like any other university. Attending an HBCU, especially one in a different state than your own, can offer a wealth of cultural and social experiences that may not be as prevalent in your home state.

HBCUs have a rich history and strong community ties which contribute to a supportive educational environment. For example, schools like Howard University in Washington, D.C., are known for political activism and producing graduates who are leaders in various fields. In contrast, schools such as Morehouse College in Atlanta are celebrated for their legacy in civil rights and male leadership. States like Louisiana, Alabama, and North Carolina have a high concentration of HBCUs, each providing different networking opportunities and connections, due to their geographic locations and affiliations.

However, don't forget to consider factors such as the climate change from your home state, distance from family and friends, and potential out-of-state tuition fees as well. Dive into school-specific forums or reach out to alumni who can give you firsthand insights into their experiences!

a year ago

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