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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important are HBCU rankings in the college admissions process?

Hey guys, I'm currently a junior trying to figure out my college list, and I'm particularly interested in HBCUs. I've been looking at various rankings, but I'm unsure how much weight I should give to these. Do you think it's crucial to consider rankings, or should I focus more on factors like the campus vibe, programs offered, and the communities? Any insight would be super helpful!

a year ago

Rankings can provide a general overview of a college's reputation and perceived quality, but they shouldn't be the only factor in your decision-making process. Each ranking system uses different criteria and metrics, so the position of an HBCU in rankings might not align with what's personally important to you.

Honing in on the aspects that will most impact your personal college experience, such as the campus atmosphere, the strength of programs you're interested in, available resources, and student life, is a wise approach. For example, if you're passionate about a specific field of study, finding an HBCU with a strong program and resources in that area may be more beneficial than choosing a school based solely on its overall ranking, as sometimes schools do have one especially well-regarded department.

Additionally, visiting campuses, if possible, and engaging with current students and faculty can give you a sense of the community and whether you can see yourself thriving there. Remember, your well-being is key to finding academic successful, so choose a school that genuinely feels like the right fit for you.

As a junior, now is a great time to cast a wide net, as you can then begin to narrow down your list over the next year or so. If you need guidance or want to discuss your options further, consider reaching out to your school counselor or a trusted mentor who can provide you with personalized advice. Good luck with crafting a strong college list!

a year ago

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