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What’s the diversity like in divinity schools at HBCUs?

I've been exploring my options for studying theology and came across divinity schools at HBCUs. Does anyone have insights into what the diversity is like, not just racially, but also in terms of religious denominations and schools of thought?

a year ago

In terms of religious denominations, these schools are often affiliated with a specific Christian denomination (e.g., Baptist, Methodist), but they typically welcome students from a variety of religious backgrounds. As for schools of thought, you'll find a spectrum of theological perspectives, from conservative to liberal, with a strong emphasis on social justice issues, given HBCUs' history of advocating for civil rights.

If you are interested in a specific HBCU, I encourage you to reach out to their admissions office or divinity school directly to get the most current and detailed information regarding their denominational ties and the diversity of theological approaches offered in their programs. Asking to speak with current students could also be a good call, as they can share firsthand how varied they found the perspectives shared during discussions.

Best of luck with your search!

a year ago

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