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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What's the deal with high school codes for the SAT?

Hey everyone, I'm a bit confused about the SAT high school codes. How do I find my school's code and what exactly is its purpose when registering for the SAT? Is it crucial to have it right, and if by chance I get it wrong, could it mess with my score reports?

a year ago

Hello there! The high school code, often referred to as a CEEB code, helps College Board send your SAT scores to your high school so they can be included on your transcript. It's also used to verify your high school's location and information. You can find your school’s code by asking your guidance counselor or searching College Board’s ‘High School Code Search’ tool online.

It's important to use the correct code to ensure your scores are reported accurately to your school and potential colleges. If you do happen to use the wrong code, though, don’t stress too much! It's usually fixable by contacting College Board's customer service. They'll help correct any issues with your score report. Just make sure to address it as soon as possible to avoid any delays in your college application process.

Good luck with your SAT!

a year ago

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